Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My secret (dun dun dun...)

I'm still scared of the dark. If I'm with other people it's fine, but if I'm by myself I will have a panic attack because my mind doesn't shut off.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Define, Consider, Explain: Samar

Define Dilemma: By publishing this picture/article, are we exploiting a young girl's trauma right after her parents died?

Consider alternatives: Don't name Samar, don't publish the picture at all, publish everything

Explain decision: I would use this picture with Samar's name because, as heartbreaking as it is, it shows what war does to people, and people may need to be exposed to such images to be able to look at the bigger picture.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Who/Whom exercise

1. (Whom) did you go to the game with?

2. She’s the student (who) writes the best articles.

3. (Whom) did you vote for?

4. (Who) failed the quiz?

5. We know (who) pulled that prank.

6. We want to know on (whom) the prank was pulled.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Is it libelous?

1. “Megan Fox is a man!” Headline on Weekly World News Web site
No, because this is a hyperbole.

2. “Up until the day he died, he was a brilliant writer. But the drugs made him a thief, a pimp and a liar,” said friend Karen Smith, who was with Johnson at the time of his death.
Not libelous, because it is a quote and the opinion of Karen Smith. We can also say whatever we want if the subject is dead.

3. “In my opinion, Kevin is a murdering rapist,” the prosecutor told the jury.
No, because the man is speaking to the jury and journalists can cover what is being said in a courtroom..

4. "In my opinion, he's a murdering rapist," the man said at the rally.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Otto Zehm

1. Establish Zehm's background. At, search for Otto Zehm. What records do you find?
2 cases at district court, municipal court, and 2 cases at superior court when he petitioned to change his last name. No criminal record
2. Here's the police investigation into the police officers' actions. What was the finding?
There is no findings that suggest the officers were in the wrong.

3. Here's a copy of the lawsuit filed against Spokane police.

Monday, November 14, 2011


T/F: Text messages sent by public employees are considered private correspondence.
False, unless the text contains personal information

T/F: You can find out how much President Floyd paid for his house.
True, depending on where he buys his house

T/F: You can find the name of a child abused by a foster parent if that child died.

T/F: Foreign nationals can file a FOIA request?

T/F: You can “FOIA” my salary from WSU.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Election Results on I-1183

<script src=""></script><noscript>[<a href="" target="_blank">View the story "I-1183 Passed" on Storify</a>]</noscript>
Here is my storify!

Is it ethical to use Hop's facebook friends?

Yes, they had the choice to delete Hop from their friends list but they chose not to. They could have simply erased him from their  lives forever like most of his other friends had, but they didn't. Since they are publicly known as Hop's "friends," I'd say you could use them as sources.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Twitter exercise

1. Create a Twitter account. If you have a personal account, consider whether you want to use that in this class, or whether you want to create a separate account for professional Tweeting.
        a. Adding a photograph increases followers by 10 times, according to Twitter.
        b. Adding a short bio increases followers by eight times, according to Twitter.
        c. Adding your name and location makes it easier for others to find you -- if you want to be found.
        d. Under 'Account,' see 'Tweet Privacy.' You can lock your Twitter account so only approved followers can view.

2. You can use Twitter to follow breaking news. Search for The Daily Evergreen and add them to your list. (You can always remove from the list you are following.)

3. Create a list of five other students in this class. To do this, you need their Twitter name and then you must follow them. Label this ‘305 Class’.

4. Create a list of three sources/people to follow. Search for keywords to track people discussing similar issues.

        a. Click on 'Who to Follow' to find more suggestions. As you spend more time on Twitter, it will refine its suggestions.

5. Using, look for a term related to your last story. Post the Twitter address of one possible source.
        a. Look at the trending topics. What are the top three trending topics? Post to blog. Dr. Conrad Murray found guilty, WSU soccer.        
b. Click on one of the topics. You’ll notice that Twitter immediately alerts you as new tweets arrive. How many Tweets arrived in the first minute after your search? 35
        c. In the search bar, search for a keyword that interests you. Retweet one of these tweets.
        d. Underneath the search bar, click on ‘Advanced Search.’ Search for all posters within 50 miles of Pullman. Name three and post to blog.
                    a. You can also search  at addict-o-matic.

6. Tweet your lede from today's story, along with a link to the blog post.
        a. Google 'Tiny Url'  or ''  These tools will limit the character count.

7. Block one of your classmates from following your Tweets.

8. On the Twitter home page, click on Settings, then Mobile.
                a. Follow the instructions to set up your phone.
                b. You can turn off Twitter updates if you only wish to send -- not receive -- Tweets.

9. Does libel law cover Twitter? Can you be sued for a posting on Twitter? (I think we know the answer to this.) NO!

10. What else can we do? Go to to see other apps that can help you organize your Twitter account.
                    a. Click on TwitPic. Now open an account here. Upload a tasteful (!) photo to post to your Twitter account. You can find one on Google images.
                            1. If you have a smart phone, you can download the app.

                    b. Now, let's step it up: take a picture with your cell phone. 

                    c. On TwitPic, click on 'upload photos' and text the photo to the e-mail address. On your blog, post a link to the cell photo.

                    d. To make it easier in the future, save the address as a contact in your phone, e.g. 'TwitterPic'

11. Last step: go back to
                    a. Click on HootSuite. One tab says 'Featured'. The other tab should have your Twitter handle -- click on that tab. This allows you to monitor Tweets, direct messages and anyone online who's mentioning you.
                    b. Add a "stream" for your classmates.
                    c. Add a stream for two keywords on a story you are reporting or have reported.

12. Last step, part 2: Add a Twitter feed to your blog. To do this, go into the 'layout' and 'Add a Gadget'. Then search for 'Twitter'. Post Twitter feed on your blog.

13. List aren't the only way to organize the flood of Twitter. We can also use hashtags. For example, search for #wsu. All these tweets have been tagged to help us locate topics that interest us. If you want to jump in on the thread, add the #tag to your tweet.

14. For Wednesday, post two story ideas found on Twitter or Facebook.
15. Go to to see is sharing your links.

16. Go to and list the top two trending topics?

17. tracks journalists on Twitter.

18. Guide to legislators on Twitter

19. Tweet Stats tracks your - or your company's - Twitter output.
20. Tweet Beep sends emails to notify you when you, your website or you company is mentioned.

21. Go to WeFollow to find the most influential Twitter users. Who has the most followers in Seattle?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Legislative Exercise II

1. What does GET do?
The Guaranteed Education Tuition (GET) Program is Washington's 529
prepaid college tuition plan. Families can prepay for their child's college tuition today
knowing that the value of their account is guaranteed by the state to keep pace with rising
college tuition

3. According to the bill, name one way the program will change.
Modifies the terms of the Washington advanced college
tuition payment (GET) program for future purchasers.
4. Did the bill become a law?
5. What is the name of the Senate staffer who prepared the report?
Aldo Melchiori

1. Sponsor:Representatives Hunt, Dammeier, Darneille, Liias, Carlyle, Roberts, Jinkins, Orwall, Kenney, Hasegawa, McCoy, Fitzgibbon, Tharinger
2. Bill digest:
Requires the Washington state school directors'
association to work with school districts to develop and
implement a comprehensive statewide reorganization initiative
to streamline and provide efficiencies in the administration
and operation of school districts and educational service
Establishes the commission on statewide school district
reorganization to develop and recommend a comprehensive plan
for the reorganization of school districts and to consider and
determine appeals of or alternatives to the reorganization
plan if the plan is adopted by the legislature.
Requires the joint legislative audit and review committee
to conduct an independent review of the comprehensive plan.
Authorizes school districts whose organization is changed
by a reorganization plan adopted by the legislature to appeal
the reorganization.
Provides contingent expiration dates and a contingent
effective date.
3. Go to
a. Search for HB 1325
b. When was the most recent hearing on the bill? Feb. 10, 2011
c. What committee heard the testimony? House Education Committee

Go to TVW’s main page and search for 'Washington State University.'

1. We get too many results. Click on advanced search.
2. Enter "washington + state + university." How many results did you get? 13

Most recent bill signed into law: 5942
2 other bills that might be interesting: 5635, 5596
2. Since 1998, how many GET accounts have been opened by families?

Monday, October 31, 2011

Attorney General Priorities

Due to budget concerns, the AGO eliminated the request for $10 million in gang
prevention and intervention funding and replaced it with language directing OJJ to assist local entities federal funds.

Chris Gregoire's Letter- Lede

Gov. Chris Gregoire sent a letter to the Washington State legislature Oct. 27, stating that her new budget proposal would eliminate programs such as basic healthcare for low-income individuals and those with disabilities, cut 15 percent from higher education, and cut the length of supervision for all offenders.

"Gay" Senator: Would I Publish This Story

I wouldn't, because there is no hard evidence that the senator is actually gay. It may make for a good story, but that doesn't mean it should be presented as factual for possibly millions to read. Bloggers say all kinds of crazy things, but unless there is hard evidence, such as the name of the guy who said he had sexual relations with the senator, or something along those lines, then it can't be deemed as "news." Plus, I could possibly get in trouble by publishing a story that has been deemed "a libelous, defamatory lie."

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


1. Under ‘Search the database,’ navigate to ‘Committees’ and then ‘Initiatives.’
    a. How much has been raised for initiatives in 2011? $41,059,275.69 
    b. How much has been spent? $29,144,188.63 
    c. How much was spent in each of these years?
    2011: $29,144,188.63 
    2008:$9,565,276.17Glenn Avery's phone number: 206-286-1498
I. Which committee has spent the most money this year?Costco
II. Which initiative is the committee supporting?1183
III. How much have opponents of this initiative raised? (Hint: Click the column header ‘Ballot’
to group by initiative.)

Inkind conttributions to 1183: $1,759,510.18
Inkind contribtuions: "We're going to donate our time to your cause"

Finally, let’s look at ‘Expenditures.’
    I. Which company has been paid the most money by the committee? Target
         a. Click on the Report. Go to page 14. What was Target Enterprise paid to do? advertising agency
b. How much did this committee – not the group, but the committee – pay Winner and Mandabach Campaigns in September? A LOT

What's the purpose of recording Qadaffi's death?

The news clip doesn't merely show the death of a dictator- it shows the beginning of a new Libiya. While the images are very gruesome, I feel it is important for journalists to show what really happened. The documentation of his final moments showed that his people really hated him, and I feel those images help with the story of the people finally taking control of their own destiny.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Math Problems

1. Last year, WSU's in-state tuition is $ 4,943.00. If tuition increases 13 percent for next year, how much will you spend in fall 2012?

2. The AP Style quiz was taken by 177 students. Twenty-three failed. What percent passed?
87 percent

3. A college’s budget increases from $100 million to $120 million. What's the percent increase?
20 percent
4. a. Times are tough on College Hill. Your pizza budget has been cut from $200 to $150. What was the percent decrease?
25 percent
    b. Bonus! You win $50 in a local pageant. Your pizza budget just jumped from $150 to $200. What was the percent increase?
33 percent

5. Last year, your property tax bill was $1,152. This year, it rose to $1,275. What’s the percent increase?
10.7 percent

6. Research funding at WSU increased 40 percent this year to $218 million. What was the funding last year?
$155 million

7. Joe Smith wants to build a 2,500-square-foot house for him. The builder tells him it will cost $112 a square foot to build. How much will the house cost?

8. Desperate for revenue, the government decides to increase the tax on beer. The tax was 5 percent. But now it's jumped to 6 percent.

     a. What’s the percent increase? 20 percent

     b. What’s the percentage increase? 1 percentage point

9. Parents are always worried about the safety of their college student. But is Pullman safer than other areas? Let's say Pullman had 183 assaults last year. Spokane had 502. Spokane has 200,000 people. Pullman has 25,000. How do we compare those two numbers? Is the average person more likely to be assaulted in Spokane or Pullman? (Again, not real figures.) How much more likely?
In Pullman you are three times more likely to be assaulted than you would be in Spokane

10. Five houses sold in your neighborhood for the following prices: $225,000;  $207,000; $3.2 million; $129,000; $192,000.
     a. What’s the mean price? $790,000
     b. What’s the median? $207,000
     c. Which is a more accurate measure of the typical home price? $207,000
Edit these sentences.

1. He competed in (11) events.

2. The boy, (5) was not injured in the crash.

3. More than (one-third) of the students failed the assignment.

4. The store owner discounted the shirt 25 (percent).

5. The stock price rose (4) percent last year.

6. The police department reported (more than) 200 cases of fraud.

Question 2: Cheating Spouses

The Scarlett sample
Researchers in Colorado and Texas surveyed almost 5,000 women anonymously. They asked whether they had been unfaithful to their husbands.

* In one survey, 1 percent said they had been unfaithful to their husbands.

* In a second survey, 6 percent confessed to infidelity.

We have a large sample size. What might account for such a big difference in the results?

The survey with 1 percent of women admitting they have been unfaithful to their husbands was an oral asurvey, whereas the second survey was written.

Stephanie Schnendel story

1)  News Value: The increase in alcohol-related accidents
2) Evidence: Hospital reports stating the increase in BAC levels of students
3) Story details: Chad's injuries, how he was airlifted to the hospital, when he woke in the hospital
4) Quotes: She had quotes from Chad's mother, Officer Lambley,

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday Blog

San Juan in Wash. has the most successful housing community.
Worst county in terms of housing prices in state of Wash: Wahkiakum

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pullman Police Search

11-P08888 Fraud at 329 NW Harrison St, PULLMAN, WA 99163

RP reporting fraudulent charges on credit card.


11-P08929 Warrant Arrest                 15:25:47 10/11/11 Aaron Breshears FOR

         260 SE Kamiaken St; PPD, PULLMAN, WA 99163

Arrested on Whitman County Misdemeanor Warrant for Failure to Appear; DUI, DWLS & Hit and Run: Camis, Nikolas (033188)

On Oct. 7, there were 3 arrests. Campus Polce also arrested 4 people.

There have been over 200 calls of credit card fraud, and now Pullman Police are teaming up with the secret service.

There were 0 homicides on campus last year. There were 188 campus alcohol arrests, as well as 23 burglaries.

Silas Parks

Graduated in 2002 from Kendrick High School.
Lives at 15277 Reil Rd, Kendrick, ID, US
27 years old
Silas is related to Seth Curtis Parks, Sarah J Parks, Ann Louise Parks, Donald Luther Parks and Rachel Rebecca Parks.
Murdered wife and unborn child
Pled guilty for lesser charges
Serving 40 years in prision
Guilty of arson
Arrested for domestic violence
Petition for Post-Convistion Relief

Ethics exercise

If I were profiling someone and saw they were not only posing in a Neo-Nazi picture but actually was part of a Neo-Nazi Organization, I would use this picture. I would use it because it is a reflection of his beliefs and values. In my oponion, he couldn't be upset with me using such an image because he has it publicly displayed on Facebook for the world to see.

However, if I was in PR I would NEVER use it, because it automatically makes the reader lose sympathy for the subject and I wouldn't want the person I'm profiling to come off as a white supremicist douchebag, although he clearly is.

Monday, October 10, 2011

LexisNexis exercise


April 28, 1995, Friday , FINAL


Near the Pierce-Kitsap county line, 30 members of the National Association of Militia Educators gather to learn marksmanship, history and survival skills.

No results found for "spokane militia" on Google because it costs money. Google can't find information behind paywalls, sites that require log ins, public records, and archives.

Name of two female farmers from "The New York Times" interviewed in 1871: Laura and Electa Fuller

Headline of "Spokane Daily Chronicle" in 1947 Carl Maxey Story: Potent Gonzaga Ring Squad Trims Idaho State, 5 to 3
2 celebrities on the front page: Joe Lewis and Jersey Joe Walcott

Paul Wulff tweet: Great win Cougs! So proud of our players and fans!

Lesson learned: Bill Gates lives in the sickest house EVER.
However, his house is listed under as Watermark Estate so if he gets sued he can protect his house.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hurricane Katrina Picture Details

1) The picture of Jeremiah Ward wearing "makeshift shoes" really stands out because it shows how quick the hurricane moved. Katrina destroyed so much so quickly that this man didn't even have time to grab a pair of shoes.
2) The picture in which people on rooftops are writing pleas for help from helicopters also stands out, because it shows the helplessness of the situation.
3) The picture with the dogs eating a corpse shows exactly what a disaster looks like. We aren't used to seeing dead people on the side of the road being torn apart by dogs. It seems like this is happening in a third world country, not the United States

Edit your peers

1. “Their music can be so lively and energetic; they really know how to connect with their audience,” said John W. Christopher, senior biology major at Washington State University.

2. On February 1, 2010, he died from a  heart attack.

3. Facebook and Twitter are two of the many social media that journalists can use, Koppel said.

4. The lasting effects of global warming may not be known for years, Muller said.

5.  Pullman Planning Director Pete Dickinson said the conference will be held December 7th through the 9th.

6.  Donaldson’s coach was disappointed with his performance during the first couple games of the season.

7. Only 7 percent of the federal prison population are there for violent crimes, the journalist-turned-writer said.

8. The WSU alumnus said students need to learn to embrace life.
9. He asked the audience "which side are you on?
“Labor has been marginalized, people have been marginalized,” Simon said..

Monday, October 3, 2011

1) Joe takes pride in his space by attempting to make it look clean and cozy, instead of treating it like a crappy hole-in-the-wall.
2) "I live with them," he says with a shrug. When referring to the cockroaches, he makes it sound like they are human beings.; he has learned to accept the cards dealt to him.

interview with my mom

Me: What has been the most rewarding thing about watching your daughters grow up?
Mom: Seeing you two succeed on your own merits and getting to witness you two grow into your own  skin. I consider myself lucky that I got two good girls. No one ended up pregnant or arrested, thank God.

Me: You have to admit I am the better daughter though.
Mom: I will not say that.

Me: I'll take that you agree with the above statement.
Mom: Shut up, Emily.

Me: Fine, is there anything you wish you could go back and change?
Mom: Hm, tough one. I'm clearly the perfect mom so I'm not the problem (laughs). But if I could tell you back in 8th grade that trying to look gothic is not cool but instead dumb as hell, I would have.

Me: Why didn't you? You could have saved me from some seriously awful middle school pictures.
Mom: You had to learn that looking and acting a fool is just not you.

Me: Such wise words.
Mom: I'm your mom, I know all.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Speech story

I couldn't remember if we needed to post this story or not on our blog, so I figured I'd better be safe than sorry!

Emily Leisten
Jour305- Section 2
Speech Story
“We now use media as fuel, not to illuminate the world, but to only focus on the accidents.” Ted Koppel spoke about the future, or perhaps lack thereof, in journalism and the new media of today in his keynote address “…and Murrow was worried back then!” Koppel also accepted the prestigious Edward R. Murrow Award September 23 in Beasley Coliseum.
Lawrence Pintak, founding dean of the Communication College, opened the event. “Murrow’s integrity inspires Murrow students today,” Dean Pintak began. “In spirit of Murrow, we should honor Murrow.” The new 2011 Murrow Award of Murrow was also unveiled, revealing Murrow at his CBS desk.
After the posting of the colors by the Washington State University ROTC and a video tribute to the Murrow tradition, WSU President Elson S. Floyd took the stage. “You represent the assets of WSU, and for that I’m thankful,” Floyd began.
New forms of social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, and their impact on journalism today was the theme of the Symposium. Floyd continued to say that “journalism has changed in many ways due to the internet. However, we must embrace this new frontier. You will serve as the true visionaries of journalism.”
A video tribute for Ted Koppel followed Floyd’s speech and following the Murrow Award for Lifetime Achievement in Broadcast Journalism was awarded to Koppel. “I wonder how many other people couldn’t come,” Koppel laughed. “But I am delighted I could I could make it.”
Koppel began his keynote address “…and Murrow was worried back then!” by stating that he never wanted to be anything other than Murrow. He would hide under his father’s desk during the bombing of Britain by Germany and listen to Murrow on the radio. “Maybe my memory is playing tricks on me,” Koppel said, “but I swear I remember Murrow because his broadcast were replayed during the Blitz in London for morale.”
The times have changed since the dawning of the 21st century, including the media and the face of journalism. “Murrow was one of a kind, but even today he wouldn’t be the same Murrow,” Koppel said.
Koppel said that with the media as accessible as ever before, the capacity to communicate rests in the hands of everyone, not just journalists. The media now just provides static, meaningless messages and the real challenge is to find the “jewels in the noise.” Koppel continued, “Pandora’s Box is now wide open, never to be closed again.
“There is nothing new about bad journalism; there’s just more of it now,” Koppel explained. “We can’t forget our responsibility as messengers. We make it too easy to blame the message on the medium. What should have evolved into the best journalism we’ve seen, hasn’t. Why not?”
Koppel continued to say that good journalism should “comfort the conflicted and conflict the comfortable. But instead we make a virtue of our biases.” The public doesn’t want to hears news, but instead wants to tune into “news you can choose.”
“We believe we are communicating when we’re really exchanging the trivial,” Koppel stated. “I feel as if this is a missed opportunity. Our messages are more important than the media used to convey them.”
Patrick McLaughlin, a Broadcast News and Production major in the Murrow College, agreed with Koppel. “There is a lot of potential for journalism with the new media, but the medium is getting flooded. We can now reach global audiences, but now we have to be more careful with what we say.”
McLaughlin also liked Koppel’s advice for future journalists. “Obviously you’re not going to be rich right away, but if you have the right mindset you really can do it.”
After his speech, Koppel took a few questions from the audience, one asking how can someone teach integrity in journalism when integrity in journalism is fading? Koppel responded, “You can say what integrity is and ask others to displace it, but I don’t know if you can teach it. But I do know that courage stems from the ability of people keep on keeping on when their integrity is challenged.”
Koppel is the 22nd person to receive the Edward R. Murrow Award. Fellow recipients include Walter Cronkite, Peter Jennings, and Tom Brokaw.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Homecoming Exercise

The Student Entertainment Board on Monday announced that there will no longer be homecoming royalty after a century of tradition.  Due to "student apathy," only ten percent of college campuses hold homecoming court, down from 96 percent in 1959, the  U.S. Department of Education said.  It was also announced "Crimson Crush" will be the theme for this year's football game against Stanford.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Would I interview Yasmine?

Yasmine's story is nothing short of a miracle, but I still wouldn't interview her. She is only a four-year-old child and would have no idea how to respond to questions that I would want to ask to get all the information I would need for a story. I would feel as if I were taking advantage of her just to get a quick story. Just because you can use a source, doesn't mean you necessarily should.

Comma splice exercise

1. “We just buy and sell real estate. It is what we do, but the market doesn’t dictate the price,” she said.

2. While the average income in Washington was $55,628 in 2007, the average income for Whitman County was $36,438.

3. Going green took on new meaning this year when WSU Waste Management announced dramatic changes to the recycling program in an effort to save money across the university. The city plans to follow suit.

4. “Take a little out of athletics, take a little from the library, and save the rest of the money,” Jones said.

5. Dan is using an emerging dairy trend; he installed an anaerobic digester two years ago.

6. He entered the three-mile race yesterday morning; however, he does not have any shoes.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Interviewing tips from Mike Wallace

1) Started a question with a story that included Clemens Wallace made it personal.
2) Quoted sources stating that Clemens used steroids. They weren't empty accusations.
3) Gave Clemens a chance to voice his opinion about sources speaking out against him.
4) Never talks over Clemens
5) Asked clerical questions
6) Wallace clearly did his research

Help your peers exercise

1. The theater is currently preparing for its next production "Meet me in St. Louis."
2. Recent budgets cuts has had little effect on the program.

3. The band has been touring for six months.

4. Angel Nava, the Arts and Programming Adviser for Student Involvement, said that "participants can listen to the artists' descriptions of their sculptures."

5. Everyone enjoyed the rally. 
6. The festival held more than 150 attendees Sept. 14 through 16.

7. Eric W. Hoffman is a clinical assistant professor in The Edward R. Murrow College of Communication.

8. “It's always great seeing such a wonderful turn out each week,” Smith said.

9. The festival, now in its third year of operation,  is sponsored by the Pullman Chamber of Commerce.

10. “I love shopping in this kind of environment," she said. "It is much better than inside a grocery store."
VPLAC = Visionary Performing Literary Arts Committee
RTOP = Regional Theater of Palouse
CEREO = Center for Regional
PCC = Pullman Chamber of Commerce
FFA = Future Farmers of America
CFSL = Centers for Fraternity and Sorority Life

*avoid acronyms!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to Look at Agendas

a) 2 members of Pullman city council are Francis Benjamin and Keith Bloom.
c) The need for the local food bank is now greater than ever due to the Libyan conflict.
d) Whether citizens of Pullman should be able to grow their own medical marijuana, as well as how many plants should be allowed to grow. The maximum number of plants allowed currently is 45.
e) A consent agenda is not updated on a regular basis and are very brief, wheras a regular agenda is updated regularly and are very detailed and precise.

Whitman County Agenda
a) The board released a proclamation in celebration of the Oldaer Americans community group.
b) There have been 4 cases of swine flu on campus in September 2009.
3) There are 600,000 doses available in the state of Washington.
4) There are 360 doses of vaccine available in Whitcom county.

C ougar Communicators Toastmasters is meeting on the 20th and 27th of this month.

Active vs Passive

1. Police in riot gear fired rubber-coated bullets into the crowd.

2. The boss informed the employees of the layoffs later in the day. 

3. LeBron James missed a three-point shot with five seconds left in the game.  

4. Participants in the survey were asked about their changes in political affiliation.

5. Raoul avoided tall buildings and mountain roads because of his fear of heights,

6. The Legislature is considering the bill.

7. The earthquake destroyed the tiny island.  

8. The class is reading the book.

9. An experimental operation was performed at the hospital yesterday.

10.The downed airliner covered the wheat field eith debris.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Speech lede exercise

1) After WSU's appropriation's were cut by 54 percent earlier this year and tuition was increased 14 percent, District 9 Sen. Mark Schoesler stated that higher education is at risk due to the failing economy.

2) An associate professor at the WSU School of Biological Sciences spoke to the zoology club Wednesday night and stated that climate change is having a negative impact on the future of many amphibian species.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt outline

1) What is the event taking place? Where is the Easter egg hunt?
2) History of the egg hunt at Riverfront Park
3) How do the kids prepare for the race? How did they feel about the egg hunt?
4) How did Boy Scouts from Group 22 help with the event?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

2 ledes

Here are two ledes, one from my one of my favorite books and the other from my favorite television show.
1) "When he was barely thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow."
                        -To Kill a Mockingbird

2) "Tonight's the night, and it's going to happen again and again..."

Monday, August 29, 2011

Fake news release exercise

   Police officers found three gunshot victims in Pullman, WA early Monday morning. One individual, Donald James Connelly, 21, was declared dead at the scene. The two other individuals were transported from the scene to local hospitals; one was critically injured in the face and the other was shot in the leg.
   Witnesses state two men accused of the shooting sped away in a blue Honda Civic.
   Karen Potts, a witness who lives in the neighborhood where the shooting took place, states that she put "two and two together" when she heard what she first thought were fireworks and then saw a man running down the street.
    "The shooter jumped in to the car and the driver gunned it," Karen explains. "I got a good look at the shooter, but the driver was wearing a black mask."
   Pullman Police Detective Calvin Anderson has taken the case. Although he says he can not tell the public too much about the case as they continue their investigation, he explains that Pullman Police "raided a home in south Pullman and recovered a .357 that was believed to be used in the shooting. However, the suspect was not home."
    The investigation is ongoing but detectives believe the shooting is gang-related. Pullman Police Commander Frank Murray states that "this horrific shooting is emphasizes the need for more cops on the street." He also states that ten gang outreach workers and the Police Bureau's Gang Enforcement Team are interviewing witnesses and known gang members.