Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Edit your peers

1. “Their music can be so lively and energetic; they really know how to connect with their audience,” said John W. Christopher, senior biology major at Washington State University.

2. On February 1, 2010, he died from a  heart attack.

3. Facebook and Twitter are two of the many social media that journalists can use, Koppel said.

4. The lasting effects of global warming may not be known for years, Muller said.

5.  Pullman Planning Director Pete Dickinson said the conference will be held December 7th through the 9th.

6.  Donaldson’s coach was disappointed with his performance during the first couple games of the season.

7. Only 7 percent of the federal prison population are there for violent crimes, the journalist-turned-writer said.

8. The WSU alumnus said students need to learn to embrace life.
9. He asked the audience "which side are you on?
“Labor has been marginalized, people have been marginalized,” Simon said..

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