Monday, September 19, 2011

Help your peers exercise

1. The theater is currently preparing for its next production "Meet me in St. Louis."
2. Recent budgets cuts has had little effect on the program.

3. The band has been touring for six months.

4. Angel Nava, the Arts and Programming Adviser for Student Involvement, said that "participants can listen to the artists' descriptions of their sculptures."

5. Everyone enjoyed the rally. 
6. The festival held more than 150 attendees Sept. 14 through 16.

7. Eric W. Hoffman is a clinical assistant professor in The Edward R. Murrow College of Communication.

8. “It's always great seeing such a wonderful turn out each week,” Smith said.

9. The festival, now in its third year of operation,  is sponsored by the Pullman Chamber of Commerce.

10. “I love shopping in this kind of environment," she said. "It is much better than inside a grocery store."
VPLAC = Visionary Performing Literary Arts Committee
RTOP = Regional Theater of Palouse
CEREO = Center for Regional
PCC = Pullman Chamber of Commerce
FFA = Future Farmers of America
CFSL = Centers for Fraternity and Sorority Life

*avoid acronyms!

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