1. Create a Twitter account. If you have a personal account, consider whether you want to use that in this class, or whether you want to create a separate account for professional Tweeting.
a. Adding a photograph increases followers by 10 times, according to Twitter.
b. Adding a short bio increases followers by eight times, according to Twitter.
c. Adding your name and location makes it easier for others to find you -- if you want to be found.
d. Under 'Account,' see 'Tweet Privacy.' You can lock your Twitter account so only approved followers can view.
2. You can use Twitter to follow breaking news. Search for The Daily Evergreen and add them to your list. (You can always remove from the list you are following.)
3. Create a list of five other students in this class. To do this, you need their Twitter name and then you must follow them. Label this ‘305 Class’.
4. Create a list of three sources/people to follow. Search for keywords to track people discussing similar issues.
a. Click on 'Who to Follow' to find more suggestions. As you spend more time on Twitter, it will refine its suggestions.
5. Using search.twitter.com, look for a term related to your last story. Post the Twitter address of one possible source.
a. Look at the trending topics. What are the top three trending topics? Post to blog. Dr. Conrad Murray found guilty, WSU soccer.
b. Click on one of the topics. You’ll notice that Twitter immediately alerts you as new tweets arrive. How many Tweets arrived in the first minute after your search? 35
c. In the search bar, search for a keyword that interests you. Retweet one of these tweets.
d. Underneath the search bar, click on ‘Advanced Search.’ Search for all posters within 50 miles of Pullman. Name three and post to blog.
a. You can also search at addict-o-matic.
6. Tweet your lede from today's story, along with a link to the blog post.
a. Google 'Tiny Url' or 'bit.ly' These tools will limit the character count.
7. Block one of your classmates from following your Tweets.
8. On the Twitter home page, click on Settings, then Mobile.
a. Follow the instructions to set up your phone.
b. You can turn off Twitter updates if you only wish to send -- not receive -- Tweets.
9. Does libel law cover Twitter? Can you be sued for a posting on Twitter? (I think we know the answer to this.) NO!
10. What else can we do? Go to oneforty.com to see other apps that can help you organize your Twitter account.
a. Click on TwitPic. Now open an account here. Upload a tasteful (!) photo to post to your Twitter account. You can find one on Google images.
1. If you have a smart phone, you can download the app.
b. Now, let's step it up: take a picture with your cell phone.
c. On TwitPic, click on 'upload photos' and text the photo to the e-mail address. On your blog, post a link to the cell photo.
d. To make it easier in the future, save the address as a contact in your phone, e.g. 'TwitterPic'
11. Last step: go back to oneforty.com.
a. Click on HootSuite. One tab says 'Featured'. The other tab should have your Twitter handle -- click on that tab. This allows you to monitor Tweets, direct messages and anyone online who's mentioning you.
b. Add a "stream" for your classmates.
c. Add a stream for two keywords on a story you are reporting or have reported.
12. Last step, part 2: Add a Twitter feed to your blog. To do this, go into the 'layout' and 'Add a Gadget'. Then search for 'Twitter'. Post Twitter feed on your blog.
13. List aren't the only way to organize the flood of Twitter. We can also use hashtags. For example, search for #wsu. All these tweets have been tagged to help us locate topics that interest us. If you want to jump in on the thread, add the #tag to your tweet.
14. For Wednesday, post two story ideas found on Twitter or Facebook.
19. Tweet Stats tracks your - or your company's - Twitter output. 20.
Tweet Beep sends emails to notify you when you, your website or you company is mentioned.
21. Go to
WeFollow to find the most influential Twitter users. Who has the most followers in Seattle?