Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My secret (dun dun dun...)

I'm still scared of the dark. If I'm with other people it's fine, but if I'm by myself I will have a panic attack because my mind doesn't shut off.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Define, Consider, Explain: Samar

Define Dilemma: By publishing this picture/article, are we exploiting a young girl's trauma right after her parents died?

Consider alternatives: Don't name Samar, don't publish the picture at all, publish everything

Explain decision: I would use this picture with Samar's name because, as heartbreaking as it is, it shows what war does to people, and people may need to be exposed to such images to be able to look at the bigger picture.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Who/Whom exercise

1. (Whom) did you go to the game with?

2. She’s the student (who) writes the best articles.

3. (Whom) did you vote for?

4. (Who) failed the quiz?

5. We know (who) pulled that prank.

6. We want to know on (whom) the prank was pulled.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Is it libelous?

1. “Megan Fox is a man!” Headline on Weekly World News Web site
No, because this is a hyperbole.

2. “Up until the day he died, he was a brilliant writer. But the drugs made him a thief, a pimp and a liar,” said friend Karen Smith, who was with Johnson at the time of his death.
Not libelous, because it is a quote and the opinion of Karen Smith. We can also say whatever we want if the subject is dead.

3. “In my opinion, Kevin is a murdering rapist,” the prosecutor told the jury.
No, because the man is speaking to the jury and journalists can cover what is being said in a courtroom..

4. "In my opinion, he's a murdering rapist," the man said at the rally.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Otto Zehm

1. Establish Zehm's background. At, search for Otto Zehm. What records do you find?
2 cases at district court, municipal court, and 2 cases at superior court when he petitioned to change his last name. No criminal record
2. Here's the police investigation into the police officers' actions. What was the finding?
There is no findings that suggest the officers were in the wrong.

3. Here's a copy of the lawsuit filed against Spokane police.

Monday, November 14, 2011


T/F: Text messages sent by public employees are considered private correspondence.
False, unless the text contains personal information

T/F: You can find out how much President Floyd paid for his house.
True, depending on where he buys his house

T/F: You can find the name of a child abused by a foster parent if that child died.

T/F: Foreign nationals can file a FOIA request?

T/F: You can “FOIA” my salary from WSU.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Election Results on I-1183

<script src=""></script><noscript>[<a href="" target="_blank">View the story "I-1183 Passed" on Storify</a>]</noscript>
Here is my storify!